About us
Our laboratory focuses on the molecular genetics of parasites of the genus Leishmania, causative agents of leishmaniasis.
In the last years, we have incorporated next generation sequencing techniques for addressing issues of gene expression and genomic plasticity in this protist. This WEB server was created as a means of sharing the data that we have generated with people having interests for these topics.
We are working at the Dynamics and Genome Function department of the Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa (CBMSO) a mixed centre between Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and CSIC (Spain).
- A new genome with transcriptome and genome annotation file of L. major Friedlin strain is now available as well its Ortholog and Viewer Browser (Aug 29, 2021)
- Mitochondrial genome and annotation of L. major, L. infantum and L. braziliensis is now available at the respective Downloads section (Oct 1, 2019)
- A new genome with transcriptome and genome annotation file of L. donovani is now available as well its Ortholog and Viewer Browser (Abr 16, 2019)
- Genome and genome annotation file of L. braziliensis is now available as well as an Ortholog Browser L. braziliensis vs. L. major (Dic 14, 2018)
- Our L. infantum genome and genome annotation file (version 2) has been uploaded to TritrypDB (Aug 24, 2018)
- Annotation file (gff) of the genes annotated in the new L. infantum genome is available (Jul 27, 2018)
- New version of L. infantum genome is available (Jul 13, 2018)
Choose a species
Sequences (genomic, transcriptomic and protein)
SIDER2 elements
Transcriptome browser
Other information: location of SL and poly-A alternative addition sites on specific transcripts
Click on the tab in which you are interested:
L. major Friedlin

L. infantum JPCM5

L. braziliensis M2904

L. donovani HU3

For each available species, you can obtain information about the transcriptome and the genome (downloadable files and transcriptome browser).
Call to contributions
Our website is the result of continuous work of the members of the laboratory and our aim is to keep improving it. For this reason, the site is constantly being updated as our research progresses. If you find out that you can complement our data with some of your findings, please feel free to contact us. We will be glad to incorporate your data duly referenced.
Links of interest
Here you can find links to related databases, bioinformatics tools and other pieces of information. Click here to go to view them.